Vinnie Caggiano, a Venice Resident for 10 years, is originally from New York City and has performed as a guitar soloist; with bands of almost every variety from African to Blues to Jazz to Country; and as accompanist for local singer-songwriters. He has also logged thousands of hours in recording sessions with various artists.
In his solo work he employs guitar looping through which he creates real-time backing tracks which he jams on.
Vinnie is a music writer as well, with a degree in Music Composition. He teaches guitar locally in Venice from beginners to advanced guitarists specializing in Music Theory.
He is currently in the band The Blue Kind.
Virtual Tips for Vinnie Caggiano
Vinnie Caggiano on Radio Venice
Radio Venice S15.E10 – November 29, 2020
Radio Venice S13.E14 – April 19, 2020
Radio Venice 100th Episode – May 6, 2018
Radio Venice #15 – January 17, 2016
Radio Venice #5 – October 18, 2015
Radio Venice #2 – September 27, 2015
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