Tammy Cash

Tammy Cash has lived in Venice Beach since 2001 and her bungalow (Alec Baldwin lived there during the 80s) has been featured in various reality TV shows on Animal Planet, VH1 etc… Tammy was born at Ft. Belvoir, Alexandria, VA near DC while her father served at the Pentagon in Intelligence/Communications and received the Bronze Star for ground operations against hostile forces. She grew up in Arkansas, in the Bible Belt, singing and dancing and enjoying the freedoms her father fought for. Tammy is an in-law of the Johnny Cash family.

“Call me an in-law, call me an outlaw. I’m Tammy Cash, dammit!”

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Tater Cat

Tater Cat is new to Venice Beach; a Hermosa Beach transplant. Tater Cat grew up in Boston, playing bass for the hard-core punk band Insult. He’s now playing country guitar for Tammy Cash.

The duo met in 2010 at the LA Comedy Awards when they both were producing public access talk shows in their respective cities. They can play “Ode To Billie Joe” and maybe a lick or two from a song they are currently writing called “You Set My Crotch On Fire” a spoof comedy spin on Johnny Cash’s “Ring Of Fire.

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Kyle Stolz

Ever seen a guy play two saxophones at once?

Raised musically in the traditional middle and high school band programs, Kyle has been playing alto, tenor and baritone saxophones since he was 11. Soon after graduation, he joined the Marine Corps as a bandsmen playing French Horn and Saxophone. After gaining a professional performing experience in the corps, he returned to Redding California (from where he hails) to explore college options and the local music scene. Continue reading Kyle Stolz

… live with love from Venice (and beyond!)